If you’ve uploaded an image to 9gag, but for some reason, you decide to remove it, finding the delete link may be quite a tricky task.
9gag.com does provide a button to delete your post, but its location is not that obvious.
So, here’s how to remove your post from 9gag.com.
1. First go to your profile (top-right corner).
![How to delete post from 9gag](/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/delete-9gag-post-1.png)
2. Then click the title of post you want to delete from 9gag.
![How to delete post from 9gag](/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/delete-9gag-post-2.png)
3. Finally, scroll down your post a little bit and find the delete link in the footer!
![How to delete post from 9gag](/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/delete-9gag-post-3.png)
Free information on interpersonal skills, effective communication, shyness, self confidence and social anxiety.
But.. But.. The button is gone :/
I’ve checked it — it’s still there…
yeaaaaaaah i cant see it
i really really have to delete that post
Just under the Facebook and Twitter share buttons…
Guys just type ” 9gag.com/read/delete?id= ” and put the id number of the post you want to delete 😀